Postponed Center election now set for January 12
Cleveland's Lesbian-Gay Community Service Center will be holding elections to fill positions on its board of trustees at 7 pm on Wednesday, January 12, at the Center. The membership agreed to postpone the elections during the annual membership meeting in October at the request of acting board president Joan Organ.
Several attempts were made by the Chronicle to obtain the names of the candidates that will be proposed at the January meeting by the Nominating Committee, but these were not received at press time. According to the Center's bylaws, the Nominating Committee is charged with soliciting and interviewing possible candidates to fill vacant board positions and then presenting their choices "to the membership in writing at least one month before the Annual Meeting." For this year's elections, prior notification will not take place; both board secretary Scott Bibbs, who is on the Nominating Committee, and executive director Judy Rainbrook indicated that the committee is running behind in interviewing and selecting candidates.
The election does not have to be limited to the Nominating Committee's choices. According to the bylaws, any member in
good standing can be nominated from the floor as a write-in candidate at the election meeting. Members must be current with their annual dues in order to vote or be nominated. There is no provision in the bylaws for how far in advance dues need to be paid, and traditionally new members have paid their dues the evening of membership meetings and then voted.
Bibbs said that the Nominating Committee plans to present its candidates as a slate to be voted on as a unit. It was not clear how many candidates would be included, nor how many positions would be filled. The bylaws specify that the board should contain 19 trustees; Organ said during the October meeting that seven trustees were currently in place. The Chronicle reviewed the board minutes and found that of the seven, Peggi Cella has served on the board the longest, since September 1990. The other six-Organ, Bibbs, Al Cowger, Tom Isabel, Bill Potoczak, and Bill Tregoning-started their three-year terms more recently.
The board secretary stated that election votes both for and against will be recorded. "Any candidate must receive a majority of votes of the members attending the Annual Meeting in order to be elected," according to the bylaws.
Volunteers needed for anti-initiative media work
Citizens for Justice is seeking volunteers
to develop a media campaign to combat an anticipated statewide anti-gay ballot initiative in 1994.
The organization is looking for creative people who have ideas about how Ohio's gay, lesbian and bisexual community should be defined and portrayed in a media campaign. "We want to have people involved in this effort who haven't been involved traditionally," said Mistinguette Smith Malone, a member of the Citizens for Justice Steering Committee. "Too often, the messages and images have been crafted by professional media people instead of members of our own communities."
Graphic designers, production people, writers and others with specific media skills are being sought. Volunteers will form creative teams in various geographical areas of the state. "We know that what will work in Cleveland won't be the same as what will work in Chillicothe," said Jerry Bunge,
project director of Citizens for Justice. Teams will meet during the first half of January to begin developing the campaign. The cost is still undetermined. "What we do know is that it will be expensive," said Bunge, "probably tens of thousands of dollars. Put it simply: If we're serious about educating people in Ohio, it's going to cost money."
In the meantime, Citizens for Justice plans to continue holding forums to inform people about the radical right's attacks on equal rights for gay people and to gather ideas on how to combat a statewide anti-gay initiative.
Anyone interested in joining one of the creative teams or co-sponsoring a forum anywhere in Ohio may contact Citizens for Justice by calling 614-228-JUST or 800700-JUST, by fax at 614-224-4708, through electronic mail at; or by writing 1487 West Fifth Ave., Columbus, OH 43212.
New Cincinnati councilmen want to dump rights law
Cincinnati-Two newly elected City Council members have proposed throwing out the 1992 human rights ordinance whose gay civil rights provision was the focus of the Issue 3 election in November.
Councilmen Thomas Luken, a Democrat, and Charles Winburn, a Republican, asked the city solicitor December 6 to draft repeal legislation.
Winburn said he and Luken hoped to forge a five-member majority on council with Republicans Nick Vehr and Phil Heimlich and Democrat Dwight Tillery in favor of rescinding the ordinance.
Luken and Winburn took office on the nine-member council in early December.
Two members of the former and current council, Mayor Roxanne Qualls and Bobbie Sterne, championed the ordinance. Neither woman returned calls to her office.
The council enacted the human rights ordinance, 7-2, in November 1992. It prohibits discrimination in housing, employment and public accommodations, including hotels and restaurants, on the basis of
race, gender, age, religion, disability, marital status, Appalachian origin or sexual orientation.
Stonewall 25 meeting set
Stonewall 25 is the International March on the United Nations set for June 26 and activities in Ohio are starting to happen. On Dec. 18, the Ohio state organizational meeting was held; delegates were elected and a Cleveland committee was formed.
The first meeting of the Cleveland committee will be Saturday, January 8, at 10 am. For location, call the Lesbian & Gay Hotline: 781-6736 in the evening.
Money is also needed to send Ohio's three delegates to the next Stonewall 25 International organizational meeting in Atlanta. Make checks payable to Stonewall 25 and mail to Box 91031, Cleveland, 44101.
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